mandag den 14. januar 2008

Madonna in Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame


About popqueen Madonna.
She is for me a modern madonna, because she since the 1977 has been
a person in center when you turn your eyes against the universe.
Since the days of Jesus the has been love to rule the world.
Knights of spicy rooms,
Knights of prosperity,
what can make a person change the world,
Learn everything you can
and go to the law and god.
Reinvent your self.
That's growing, thats to die.
Thanks god passion
I think I love you.

Madonna has proved, that she has something real to give.
If you want to have proves of her perfume.
Her career has given her a nomination for the Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame.
If the heroine enters, she has proves of her art. When you step into the
groove, you feel yourself groving.
Madonna never accepted limits around her, the popsinger wants freedom
in art she tells. She has claimed endless posibilities, for her creativity.
Madonna's like an innonent flower, who never knew bad things.
In that way she has steppped into the groove.
The popqueen Madonna is now in the rock'n Roll Hall of Fame.

Madonna has also proved, that she is not to old. Live Nation is her
new perfume. It is a big step, and it must be a risk for a popqueen,
who enters the top of the world.
On the stairway to the top she did not talk limp and lust, but as a lovechild
who knew the inheritage originating from the holy.

Martin Barslev

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